Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Question 1 is answered under the title of  "Numbers. Words. Tears."

Questions 2 is answered under the title of "Solve It. Resolve It. Save A Life."

Question 3 is answered under the title of "How Can We Help?"

Question 4 is answered under the title of "Putting Myself To The Test."

I address some of these questions in my other posts also but the main answer is where i listed it above!

Putting Myself To The Test!

Who will I text today? Will they be driving? No! First I will ask, and, if they say they are driving I will not text them. 

1) One thing I can do is: Not text drivers
2) Not text while I drive
3) Promote "Not Texting While Driving"
4) Another thing I can do is: Say "TTYL"

I must think of all the lost life's caused by a simple word, a simple text. All it takes to stop the cycle is a simple "TTYL!" 

How Can We Help?

We Can All Do Our Part

Have you ever thought about the people who were texting their friends at the time of their friends car wreck? Don't you think they feel guilty as they could have prevented it? I'm sure they would, i'm sure all of us would feel guilty if our actions led to someone else's pain. See we not only judged for what we do wrong but, we are also judged for the bad that comes from our actions. For example, the driver of a car who is texting is doing wrong but, the person who is texting the driver of the car is also doing wrong because if that person was not texting the driver then the driver would not be texting! 

We can all help solve this problem of texting and driving by sending a text to all your friends saying "Stop The Texts. Stop The Wrecks."  We can also ask our friends that we are texting if they are driving and if they say yes tell them you will talk to them later or when they are done driving. Don't text while you drive and don't let anyone who is driving you text either. There are many gadgets that you can buy that can stop texting such as Bluetooth speakers that let you call or speak out loud in order to converse with others while driving. These gadgets give you the chance to keep your eyes on the road! Do not speak of stressful things or dramatic events while driving, this can make you mentally distracted even when you have your eyes on the road. 

#StoptextsStopwrecks Do your part!! ;]

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Hey Guys and Girls... 

Mind doing me a favor? If you visit my blog 

please comment stating what country you are from so that I will be 

able to know my audience. Thank You!

Solve it. Resolve it. Save A Life.


Drivers in their 20s are 24 percent of drivers in all fatal crashes, but are 27 percent of the distracted drivers and 33 percent of the distracted drivers that were using cell phones in fatal crashes. []
 Project Yellow Light
How can we solve and resolve this problem we have with teenagers texting while driving and putting others life's in danger? 

1) is a scholarship based project that drives students to think about the consequences of Distracted Driving. The student is required to to make a video, audio recording, or a bill board design speaking on Distracted Driving [especially texting and driving]. The three top winners receive a cash prize from $5,000-1,000. What they have created will be displayed across the country. [click the link above to learn more]
2) [] According to CDC the author states:
What is being done?
  • Many states are enacting laws—such as banning texting while driving, or using graduated driver licensing systems for teen drivers—to help raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and to keep it from occurring. However, the effectiveness of cell phone and texting laws on decreasing distracted driving-related crashes requires further study. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety keeps track of such laws.8 " 
CDC is working to pass more laws to stop texting and driving. How can we help? We can obey these laws as citizens and help keep our roads safe! Do your part, save a life. 

See It With The Eyes and Realize!

Driving Dunce

 At 55 mph, the average text takes your eyes off the road long enough to cover a football field. HHS/CDC

Image result for ttyl     Image result for ttyl

Image result for ttyl

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Image result for Car crash

Monday, February 13, 2017

Numbers. Words. Tears.

According to Texting and Driving Accident statistics - Distracted  Driving The Author States
"General Cell Phone Statistics. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving. 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving." 

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 25, 2015) – The most comprehensive research ever conducted into crash videos of teen drivers has found significant evidence that distracted driving is likely much more serious a problem than previously known, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The unprecedented video analysis finds that distraction was a factor in nearly 6 out of 10 moderate-to-severe teen crashes, which is four times as many as official estimates based on police reports.

Is it really worth a text? Does Instagram really need to know what you are eating at a stoplight? Can't Snap Chat wait on one more selfie? No, I don't think Facebook cares about what so-in-so did last week! Well everyone will answer these questions differently. The responsible answer to question 1 & 2 would be no and 3 would be yes and 4 would be agree!
The numbers in these statistics are mind blowing! No words can describe the tears shed from such happenings.