Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Solve it. Resolve it. Save A Life.


Drivers in their 20s are 24 percent of drivers in all fatal crashes, but are 27 percent of the distracted drivers and 33 percent of the distracted drivers that were using cell phones in fatal crashes. [http://stoptextsstopwrecks.org/#home]
 Project Yellow Light
How can we solve and resolve this problem we have with teenagers texting while driving and putting others life's in danger? 

1) http://projectyellowlight.com/ is a scholarship based project that drives students to think about the consequences of Distracted Driving. The student is required to to make a video, audio recording, or a bill board design speaking on Distracted Driving [especially texting and driving]. The three top winners receive a cash prize from $5,000-1,000. What they have created will be displayed across the country. [click the link above to learn more]
2) [https://www.cdc.gov/Motorvehiclesafety/Distracted_Driving/index.html] According to CDC the author states:
What is being done?
  • Many states are enacting laws—such as banning texting while driving, or using graduated driver licensing systems for teen drivers—to help raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and to keep it from occurring. However, the effectiveness of cell phone and texting laws on decreasing distracted driving-related crashes requires further study. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety keeps track of such laws.8 " 
CDC is working to pass more laws to stop texting and driving. How can we help? We can obey these laws as citizens and help keep our roads safe! Do your part, save a life. 

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