You reap what you sow. As teenagers we often get so caught up in our own world we forget about our surrounding. When we enter a car we need to let all these distractions leave as we are handling a giant piece of metal that could potentially be a killing machine. If someone had decided to try and follow the teenager's train of thoughts throughout one day I'm sure there would not be enough time or enough strength to write down everything they think or say. Think of your head as a box filled with any kind of matter, if this matter was to seep out into the outer atmosphere at all while in a car, then you would crash. Don't let this happen. Maybe it would not be so tragic and maybe that is an unusual way to look at it but are we to sit back and let teens go on driving while distracted and potentially ruin someone's life?
Now we need to look at this emoji subject from a different point of view. Imagine yourself as the group of girls, [pictured in the video above] now did these girls act kindly and try to help the troubled teen solve her problems or resolve the issue? They did not. Did this help? No, it did not. Now think if they had have helped her, she may have been more focused in the car while driving and this could have potentially stopped a car crash. How many troubled friends or teens have come to you and had you stand there not caring to help?
I can speak from experience when I say it is not fun to live with horrible pain from an unnecessary car crashed caused by a distracted driver who had both ear plugs in and was on his phone! Being a candidate for surgery at age 14 is not right! Having constant headaches and shooting pains going down your arms while writing and having stabbing pains at your hip joint while you walk is not pleasant! May I leave you with this, pay attention while driving because your actions affect everyone else.
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